Food For Thought

New What Ifs

What If...

  • have no one but yourself to count on before, during and after a natural disaster or national crisis and you haven’t prepared or made plans ahead of time? 

  • ...all natural disasters are not natural… and some are man made or enhanced?

  • ...the current buzzword, "extreme", is a sign of the end times?

  • ...the current wars being waged grow together to become W.W. III and engulf the world?

  • ...the stock market roller coasters up and down and then crashes causing the greatest depression in history and you loose everything?

  • ...addictions of all kinds have become epidemic in proportion?

  • ...being abducted by aliens does not make you special or chosen and is as wrong as being abducted by some one in your community…and you have not taken the steps to refuse abduction? 

  • ...our water supplies are tainted and unsafe to drink and water becomes the most valued and expensive commodity on Earth?

  • ...there are good as well as bad aliens contacting people of Earth and you can’t sense or determine the difference between the two?

  • ...there is a race or races of self serving, negative aliens planning an invasion and take over of Earth?

  • ...there is a race or races of good aliens who are constantly battling the negative aliens on Earth and in the heavens to help protect earthlings? 

  • ...the shadow beings such as cats, spiders, clouds, ghosts and the man wearing a hat and cape, to name just a few are shapes that demons or devils take? 

  • ...microchips are being implanted into humans by both aliens and our governments for tracking and/or mind control and other unknown reasons?

  • think you are dealing with abducting aliens on your own terms…and you are being duped?

  • ...God loves us so much that He keeps giving us another chance to make right choices but His patience is wearing thin?

  • ...there is no fence sitting or gray areas for our thoughts and actions and there is only right and wrong? 

  • ...the swirl weather patterns we now see on the center of our national weather maps become inland hurricanes?

  • ...there is a Planet X, which is many times the size of Earth and its heading our way in an elliptical orbit and it will cause Earth disaster and changes due to its magnetic pull on all the planets in our solar system?

  • ...there is more than one Planet X heading our way as in past history…and each one has many companion comets and asteroids that proceed it and follow it… and some of these strike the Earth? 

  • ...UFO groups that have formed all over the world are no accident and each member volunteered to come to Earth at this period in time for a specific mission? 

  • ...the good aliens are here to help us through an Earth shift into a higher, more spiritual vibration and the bad aliens are here to try to prevent us from growing spiritually so we could not survive Earth’s new higher, spiritual vibrations? 

  • flares coming off the sun are causing an increase in Earth’s winds and severe weather patterns and/or storms and this increase of solar flares is due to the advancement of Planet X and it will get worse the closer Planet X gets to Earth? 

  • ...the good aliens will not break the Law of Non-Interference to help us and they have chosen to follow God’s example of loving us enough not to interfere in our spiritual growth? 

  • ...the bad aliens can and do break the Law of Non-Interference and even reward us with gifts of healing, precognition and more when we choose to follow them?

  • ...our fruits and vegetables are being radiated from seed through plant growth destroying all food value and nutrition and due to this our bodies are starving which causes our bodies to break down resulting in more cancer, heart trouble and other major illnesses?

  • ...wars are planned for many reasons, one being population thinning and its your son or daughter who is serving in the military?

  • ...good aliens can only advise, coax and guide our choices and decisions to grow spiritually but the bad aliens influence, coax and tempt us to make unwise and harmful choices and decisions?

  • ...the hurricanes that devastated Florida, Mississippi and New Orleans were created, enhanced and bumped or guided to those areas for many purposes such as weather experimentation, population thinning, wealthy people’s land grabbing schemes and other evil and inhumane reasons?

  • ...chemicals are being put in our water and sprayed in the air through jet chemtrails to cause confusion, memory loss, aggression, agitation, disease, viruses, allergies asthma, germ warfare experimentation and weather manipulation, etc? 

  • ...a daily routine of meditation and prayer is the only way to protect yourself from radiated foods, chemicals and psychic attacks?

  • ...there really is a Confederation of good aliens in the heavens who have joined forces with God, Jesus and the angels for the sole purpose of assisting planets and people in need?

  • ...Jesus the Christ is the Commander of this federation? 

  • ...the dark forces also have a federation and their commander is Lucifer? 

  • go to others for all your answers instead of looking inside yourself and all your answer are inside you…and those others are false prophets?

  • ...people are running to and fro as predicted for the end times in the book of Revelations?

  • ...some of the seals bowl and trumpet judgements from the Bible have already been opened and released?

  • ...epidemics, AIDS, some new viruses and diseases and new plagues are not naturally formed but created by man?

  • ...the Bible has been grossly tampered with and altered for many reasons, one being for the power over and control of the masses but there are a few original Bibles left on Earth and if read would completely alter religion as we know it? 

  • ...Everything gets much, much worse and leads to the battle of Armageddon on Earth and in the heavens between humans, aliens, devils and angels but the Earth and the human race survive just as God promised ?

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The Lightside UFO Study Group