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This web site is based
To read some real life stories
The Lightside
Glossary of TermsAbducteeAn individual who is taken against their free-will by negative aliens. Alien Abduction The act of taking a person against their free-will; paralyzing them, causing fear and harm, performing painful experiments, not allowing them to remember the actual experience and even implanting devices and memories to block the abductee(s) from remembering. Alien Contact A freewill, prearranged meeting(s) with benevolent aliens to bring light back to this planet, an organized mission to help the people of Earth return to the Creator; Contact may be ended by the contactee at anytime Ambassador A term sometimes used by abductees; From what we know the ‘ambassadors’ believe they have a mission working with the abducting aliens that is not fully disclosed to them. Bad Alien An extraterrestrial that chooses service to self rather than service to others and does not follow the rules put in place by the Creator. Balance A state of being calm, focused and centered in one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Contactee An individual that has benevolent contact with aliens Experiencer A term sometimes used to blur the definitions of alien abduction and alien contact; this term makes it easier to justify the acceptance of alien abduction. Good Alien An extraterrestrial who chooses service to others rather than service to self. Meditation A time of listening to God in order to receive enhanced knowledge, balance, intuition and instruction Participant A more recent term sometimes used by abductees to fool themselves into believing they are willing participants, in control of the event Satan The commander of Lucifer’s forces that have combined to work against the forces of good Universal Law of Non-Interference God’s law prohibiting any being from interfering in another being’s freewill choice and their natural course of evolution. White Light of Protection The soul essence, God’s light which emanates from the heart when sent out mentally with 100% belief and love, is used for protection against negativity and harm
Preface | Contact vs Abduction
| Types of Aliens |
Conclusion | Glossary of Terms | Books and Web Sites
This web site is based on the Booklet "How to Refuse Alien Abduction"byThe Lightside UFO Study Group
Read about how we and others have CLICK HERE to read it in printable pdf format.
The Lightside UFO Study Group