Of all the UFO accounts in the Bible, the one that I hear mentioned most often is Ezekiel's Wheel. Many people claim that Ezekiel clearly describes a UFO in the following passage:
Ezekiel 1:16 (NIV) |
This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. |
Most of the visual representations I've seen of this craft seem to be similar to the following illustration done by artist James Neff:
![]() |
So I thought about this. What is the craft shown above? It still seems rather mystical looking, and even if it is a spacecraft, it really doesn't make the story told in the book of Ezekiel any clearer. The rest of his narrative still seems pretty confusing to me.
While I was wondering about all of this, a friend passed on a book written by NASA engineer Josef F. Blumrich entitled The Spaceships of Ezekiel. This book concludes that the passage shown above wasn't the whole story. Blumrich agrees that the "wheel within a wheel" was extraterrestrial, but he goes one step further and claims that it only describes a small part of the craft. According to Blumrich, the whole chapter was a detailed description of an encounter with an UFO.
Even the story behind the book is very interesting. Blumrich notes that he began researching the topic in response to Erich von Daniken's book Chariots of the Gods. In the forward to his book, Blumrich states that he "began to read von Daniken with the condescending attitude of someone who knows beforehand that the conclusions presented can by no means be correct." In otherwords, he thought von Daniken was full of it and was going to set out to prove it scientifically.
What he found, after an extensive amount of research from an engineering point of view, was just the opposite. He went from an extreme skeptic to becoming convinced that the book of Ezekiel was a real accurate and detailed account of an encounter with extraterrestrial visitors. Very interesting coming from a person who is not a religious zealot by any means and is about as far as you can get from a gullible person who might be prone to jump to conclusions.
Since Blumrich has already done an outstanding job in analyzing the whole book of Ezekiel, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel by doing that here. But so you can see what I'm referring to, I will post a passage by passage analysis of Ezekiel chapter one that is based on the work of Blumrich. The text shown below isn't directly from Blumrich's book (which contains much, much more detail than I could ever present here) but is instead a capsulization of Blumrich's conclusions as presented in another very interesting book entitled Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophesy by G. Cope Schellhorn, pages 106-108:
Blumrich summary:
The spacecraft begins at some distance
from the prophet in its initial descent. Vapour cloud is from cooling preliminary
to firing of rocket engine. Rocket engine is then fired.
Blumrich summary:
Looking upward, the prophet sees four
shapes surrounded by fire and vapour that look alive. These are helicopter-like
bodies deployed before landing.
Blumrich summary:
The prophet is now able to see more
detail because the craft is at low altitude. He sees the four blades of
the rotors and the fairing housings above the rotors that give the appearance
of faces.
Blumrich summary:
This is a description of the landing
legs. The legs have shock absorbers and round footpads.
Blumrich summary:
This refers to remote-controlled mechanical
arms hanging along side the cylindrical helicopter bodies.
Blumrich summary:
A reference to the helicopter blades
protruding outward is made.
Blumrich summary:
The fairing surfaces, which protect
the gears and other control devices above the rotors, look to the prophet
like faces. The fairings are irregular in shape with some raised and some
cut out areas, all of which lends itself to an awe-struck interpretation
on the prophet's part. By way of example, Blumrich shows photos of Gemini
and Apollo capsules that at certain angles look like monsters. Because
like faces face in like directions, we see that the rotors are synchronized
at rest position.
Blumrich summary:
The first part refers to the rotor blades
being divided. The suggestion is that there is a kind of gap in the control
mechanism or fairing. The last part of the verse refers to the rotor blades
folded in an up and down position.
Blumrich summary:
This refers to the landing leg assembly
and the retractable wheels as part of each leg assembly. Ezekiel doesn't
see the wheels until they are actually deployed in verse fifteen. Verses
nine, twelve and fifteen are interrelated.
Blumrich summary:
Ezekiel is referring to the flowing
reactor radiator and the bursts from the control rockets. The lightning
effect comes from what would seem like leaping random fire but in fact
is controlled bursts from the various control rockets for stabilization
Blumrich summary:
The spacecraft hovers and moves in various
directions until a suitable landing site is found.
Blumrich summary:
The wheels are deployed. They appear
at the very moment they become necessary.
Blumrich summary:
The greenish-bluish color of the wheels
suggests a protective film or coating. A further description of advanced
reversible wheels is given. Ezekiel is confused - looks to him like a wheel
within a wheel. These wheels look like they are obeying orders. He has
had experience with wheels but these are puzzling. Thus he gives much time
to their description. The craft rolls on the ground, probably in a maneuver
to find the most suitable site.
Blumrich summary:
Here is a description of the main body
of the craft. We get its basic shape, spreading out like a "firmament."
The surface of the main body is metallic, shining, bright.
Blumrich summary:
We are given additional information
concerning the position of the helicopter-like appendages relative to the
main body. Rotor blades are at rest.
Blumrich summary:
Blumrich feels these verses are out
of order. They describe operating rotor blade motors and the resultant
sound effects.
Blumrich summary:
The prophet sees the command module
shaped and colored like a cabachon-cut sapphire. Seated in the pilot's
seat is a man.
Blumrich summary:
The prophet describes the light effects
of the commander's flight suit which, in Blumrich's opinion, are reminiscent
of the light effects caused by the reflecting surfaces of certain insulation
materials used in the Apollo lunar module. (See Rev 1:12-15 and Dan 10:6)
It might be enlightening here to mention the light effects, especially
the golden glow effect, described by some present-day witnesses to UFO
close encounters, people who have been in near proximity to UFO crew members.
A classic example of such an effect would be the Fatima incident earlier
in the century. An interesting explanation of this effect is offered by
an extraterrestrial in Charles Silva's "Date With The Gods."
Blumrich summary:
Here are the optical light effects of
the translucent cabachon-shaped command module sitting atop the main body
of the spacecraft. Sunlight hitting the translucent surface and reflecting
off other surfaces inside the module causes a rainbow light effect. (See
Enoch 14:9-22 and Rev 4:3) Blumrich emphasizes that the brightness was
"round about him." It did not emanate from "him." Him, we should carefully
note, refers to Ezekiel's initial mistake of identity - confusing the spacecraft
with God himself.
Blumrich goes on to provide similar observations for the entire book of Ezekiel. He even concludes that Ezekiel went aboard the craft and interacted with the commander of the vehicle a number of times. If you'd like to explore the topic further, I'd definitely recommend finding Blumrich's book so you can read all his conclusions firsthand.
So was Ezekiel's account really his way of telling a detailed story about an encounter with extraterrestrials? Were these beings sent by God to deliver a message to Ezekiel?
Interesting but controversial questions. I'll let you decide for yourself, but I sure haven't heard any other explanations of Ezekiel's experiences that sound as realistic to me.
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